Result obsession
The idea of controlling the future is preposterous... and yet, our irrational brains often convince us that it’s on the menu — that we can, through force of sheer will, bend reality to do what we want.
I find that the times when I’m most anxious are when I’m focusing too much energy on fulfilling a certain kind of outcome, rather than honing the work. It’s a self-defeating prophecy: I believe that I’m the kind of person who makes good, quality, thoughtful things — so if something isn’t good, it doesn’t mean my identity as a person isn't accurate… it simply means the work is not ready yet. And once it is “ready” (whatever that means), the path it takes out in the world is fully and entirely out of my hands. So why worry?
Absolutely nothing is guaranteed. Focus on making things you love, for people you care about, and leave the results to do what they will.
The idea of controlling the future is preposterous... and yet, our irrational brains often convince us that it’s on the menu — that we can, through force of sheer will, bend reality to do what we want.
I find that the times when I’m most anxious are when I’m focusing too much energy on fulfilling a certain kind of outcome, rather than honing the work. It’s a self-defeating prophecy: I believe that I’m the kind of person who makes good, quality, thoughtful things — so if something isn’t good, it doesn’t mean my identity as a person isn't accurate… it simply means the work is not ready yet. And once it is “ready” (whatever that means), the path it takes out in the world is fully and entirely out of my hands. So why worry?
Absolutely nothing is guaranteed. Focus on making things you love, for people you care about, and leave the results to do what they will.