Mental weight
The mental and emotional weight of things can sometimes be more real than the physical. Having tasks, routines, conversations, anxieties, or simply decisions you need to make weighing down on your psyche, can feel extremely overwhelming — even though it only exists in your mind. It’s an insidious kind of feeling because you’re often hardly aware of the root cause, but you just feel… bad.
Here’s some permission for you: Even if the only reason you want to quit something is to free up the mental space that it consumes... do it. It feels like weakness to say something is too heavy to bear — but who else is going to help or even know that your burden exists but you? And if you can't outright quit for various reasons, just acknowledging the heaviness and making accommodations for it can go a long way in reducing the perceived burden.
Contrary to hustle culture, you do not have infinite energy, focus, or time. Take inventory of yourself, be decisive about what you’re carrying, and find freedom in letting heavy things fall away when they no longer serve you.
The mental and emotional weight of things can sometimes be more real than the physical. Having tasks, routines, conversations, anxieties, or simply decisions you need to make weighing down on your psyche, can feel extremely overwhelming — even though it only exists in your mind. It’s an insidious kind of feeling because you’re often hardly aware of the root cause, but you just feel… bad.
Here’s some permission for you: Even if the only reason you want to quit something is to free up the mental space that it consumes... do it. It feels like weakness to say something is too heavy to bear — but who else is going to help or even know that your burden exists but you? And if you can't outright quit for various reasons, just acknowledging the heaviness and making accommodations for it can go a long way in reducing the perceived burden.
Contrary to hustle culture, you do not have infinite energy, focus, or time. Take inventory of yourself, be decisive about what you’re carrying, and find freedom in letting heavy things fall away when they no longer serve you.