Highfalutin noise

Next time you see someone ravenously promoting a tool on social media, or talking down about a seemingly reasonable alternative, ask yourself: What is incentivizing them to do so?

Is their business contingent on the popularity of a certain platform? Do they only know how to use one tool and refuse to learn new things? Or are they currently seen as an authority in “the old way” of doing things, and switching to something new means losing the clout they've accumulated?

At the end of the day, people will do whatever the hell they want, and that’s fine! But, I think it’s worth being critical when certain outspoken individuals drown out the voice of reason, which says there are multiple ways of doing anything. No tool, system, or process is perfect, but… if you actually employ the things you preach, the flaws and benefits become quickly apparent, giving you data to properly gauge the highfalutin noise for what it really is.

Reading between the lines of how people act often speaks volumes more than the things they voluntarily share.

Next time you see someone ravenously promoting a tool on social media, or talking down about a seemingly reasonable alternative, ask yourself: What is incentivizing them to do so?

Is their business contingent on the popularity of a certain platform? Do they only know how to use one tool and refuse to learn new things? Or are they currently seen as an authority in “the old way” of doing things, and switching to something new means losing the clout they've accumulated?

At the end of the day, people will do whatever the hell they want, and that’s fine! But, I think it’s worth being critical when certain outspoken individuals drown out the voice of reason, which says there are multiple ways of doing anything. No tool, system, or process is perfect, but… if you actually employ the things you preach, the flaws and benefits become quickly apparent, giving you data to properly gauge the highfalutin noise for what it really is.

Reading between the lines of how people act often speaks volumes more than the things they voluntarily share.