Go and do

Many designers get caught in this loop of chasing “the best” in design, constantly comparing their work to others and feeling the need to be inventive or unique for validation. This mindset can be useful for personal growth, but… as a professional, it directs your focus to the wrong target.

The reality is: Most clients’ bar for design is incredibly low. Like, the bar for design success isn’t even suspended anymore. It’s lying on the ground, waiting for you to pick it up and make something—anything—better than their current awful brand, website, or media.

But, we get caught up in the minutia of Design Twitter™ or waste precious time mentally debating ourselves, instead of just doing the good work we’re already capable of doing! You already have the skills needed to absolutely transform your client’s creative presence and wow their socks off.

Get out of your head. You’re already amazing. Go and do.

Many designers get caught in this loop of chasing “the best” in design, constantly comparing their work to others and feeling the need to be inventive or unique for validation. This mindset can be useful for personal growth, but… as a professional, it directs your focus to the wrong target.

The reality is: Most clients’ bar for design is incredibly low. Like, the bar for design success isn’t even suspended anymore. It’s lying on the ground, waiting for you to pick it up and make something—anything—better than their current awful brand, website, or media.

But, we get caught up in the minutia of Design Twitter™ or waste precious time mentally debating ourselves, instead of just doing the good work we’re already capable of doing! You already have the skills needed to absolutely transform your client’s creative presence and wow their socks off.

Get out of your head. You’re already amazing. Go and do.