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Future hindsight

Future hindsight

Future hindsight

Nobody knows the future… but everyone can examine their past and find indicators of how the future might play out — even if those indicators are buried in the form of regrets.

“Hindsight is 20/20” is what people say to reconcile their past actions when things didn’t go the way they’d hoped. They look back and feel foolish about something they wish had gone differently… but rarely use it as fuel to change. Maybe that sounds kindof “fortune-teller-y”, but… I think it’s a real thing you can practice and improve. I’ve been thinking of it like “future hindsight”, asking myself this simple question regularly:

“What would future me regret?”

It’s probably not going to be some life-changing decision you regret. Most of us live normal lives with low stakes — but regrets can come in all shapes and sizes, and “normal” moments can often be catalysts for regretful insight.

Things that you might regret, to look out for:

  • Not saying hello to a passing stranger and sharing a smile

  • Saying “yes” to things you desperately want to say “no” to

  • Not being present during “routine” activities with your kid

  • Letting petty external forces sway an experience

  • Not really celebrating when your business succeeds

  • Staying in an unhealthy relationship for way too long

  • Not being honest with yourself about what you really want

Live in the moment, do your best, and make “future you” proud.

Nobody knows the future… but everyone can examine their past and find indicators of how the future might play out — even if those indicators are buried in the form of regrets.

“Hindsight is 20/20” is what people say to reconcile their past actions when things didn’t go the way they’d hoped. They look back and feel foolish about something they wish had gone differently… but rarely use it as fuel to change. Maybe that sounds kindof “fortune-teller-y”, but… I think it’s a real thing you can practice and improve. I’ve been thinking of it like “future hindsight”, asking myself this simple question regularly:

“What would future me regret?”

It’s probably not going to be some life-changing decision you regret. Most of us live normal lives with low stakes — but regrets can come in all shapes and sizes, and “normal” moments can often be catalysts for regretful insight.

Things that you might regret, to look out for:

  • Not saying hello to a passing stranger and sharing a smile

  • Saying “yes” to things you desperately want to say “no” to

  • Not being present during “routine” activities with your kid

  • Letting petty external forces sway an experience

  • Not really celebrating when your business succeeds

  • Staying in an unhealthy relationship for way too long

  • Not being honest with yourself about what you really want

Live in the moment, do your best, and make “future you” proud.

Nobody knows the future… but everyone can examine their past and find indicators of how the future might play out — even if those indicators are buried in the form of regrets.

“Hindsight is 20/20” is what people say to reconcile their past actions when things didn’t go the way they’d hoped. They look back and feel foolish about something they wish had gone differently… but rarely use it as fuel to change. Maybe that sounds kindof “fortune-teller-y”, but… I think it’s a real thing you can practice and improve. I’ve been thinking of it like “future hindsight”, asking myself this simple question regularly:

“What would future me regret?”

It’s probably not going to be some life-changing decision you regret. Most of us live normal lives with low stakes — but regrets can come in all shapes and sizes, and “normal” moments can often be catalysts for regretful insight.

Things that you might regret, to look out for:

  • Not saying hello to a passing stranger and sharing a smile

  • Saying “yes” to things you desperately want to say “no” to

  • Not being present during “routine” activities with your kid

  • Letting petty external forces sway an experience

  • Not really celebrating when your business succeeds

  • Staying in an unhealthy relationship for way too long

  • Not being honest with yourself about what you really want

Live in the moment, do your best, and make “future you” proud.