Care > scale
Do more things that don’t scale.
In this landscape of hyper-growth startups and brands that aim to make products that appeal to everyone with a brain… it can feel silly to actively choose to do non-scaling things.
But here’s the thing: You don’t have millions of dollars to spend on customer acquisition or marketing. Your success comes from being a more authentic human being in the marketplace — quality over quantity. So, do things like:
Being more available for customer support
Sending more thoughtful emails and messages
Going the extra mile in a project to delight a client
Responding to every single comment on your content
Spending time just being a human, before a professional
People notice when someone cares.
Do more things that don’t scale.
In this landscape of hyper-growth startups and brands that aim to make products that appeal to everyone with a brain… it can feel silly to actively choose to do non-scaling things.
But here’s the thing: You don’t have millions of dollars to spend on customer acquisition or marketing. Your success comes from being a more authentic human being in the marketplace — quality over quantity. So, do things like:
Being more available for customer support
Sending more thoughtful emails and messages
Going the extra mile in a project to delight a client
Responding to every single comment on your content
Spending time just being a human, before a professional
People notice when someone cares.